How do I use my Blümchen cloth diapers?
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Pocket diaper:
- Adjust the length of the cloth diaper with the snaps on the front.
- Push 1-2 inserts flat into the pocket of the diaper.
- For easy cleaning, place paper liner on the cloth diaper.
- Close cloth diaper (not as tight as disposable diapers).
- Check that the cloth diaper is flush and that no paper fleece is visible.
- To wash, please take the inserts out of the pocket of the cloth diaper.
- Please make sure that the Velcro is closed when washing (laundry tab).

- Adjust the length of the cloth diaper with the snaps on the front.
- Put extra inserts in the pocket if your baby needs more absorbancy
- For easy cleaning, place paper liner on the cloth diaper.
- Place the baby with the waistband on the elastic back.
- Close the diaper with the snaps.
- Check that the cloth diaper is flush with all parts and that no lining or paper fleece is exposed.
- Slide the protruding lining under the waterproof membrane.

Bamboo Diapers
- Adjust the length of the cloth diaper with the snaps on the front.
- If necessary, put an additional insert flat into the pocket of the cloth diaper.
- For easy cleaning, place paper liner on the cloth diaper.
- Close bamboo diapers (not as tight as disposable diapers).
- Put on a waterproof cover over the bamboo diapers.
- Check that the cloth diaper is flush with all parts and that no paper fleece is sticking out.
- To wash, please take the inserts out of the pocket of the cloth diaper.

Organic cotton diaper
- Select a suitable size.
- Use the diaper with or without additional absorbent pad (not included), depending on the desired absorbancy.
- For easy cleaning, place paper liner on the cloth diaper.
- Close the organic cotton diaper
- Put on a waterproof cover over the organic cotton diaper.
- Check that the cloth diaper is flush with all parts and that no paper fleece is sticking out.
- With the OneSize version you have to adjust the size with the buttons on the front side - see bamboo diaper.

How do I see if I am using the correct size setting for my Blümchen diapers?
The nappy should always be flush without constricting or causing striae. It is best to check the seat, if the baby has already worn the diaper for some time. The diaper has already shifted into the correct position and now shows when it is too loose somewhere. Adapt cloth diapers always with the elastic back to the waistband of the baby.
Can I use barrier cream and still use Blümchen cloth diapers?
Wound protection creams are very difficult to wash out of cloth nappies and reduce the absorbency. If you want to use wound protection cream, you should therefore always use a thick disposable paper fleece or 2 layers of our thin Blümchen nappy fleece.
A note: Classic zinc-based barrier creams completely cover the skin and prevent air exchange. This does not support the positive effect of breathable diapers.
Alternative products based on lanolin or grease should only be used with paper fleece, as these creams react with the stay dry membranes in the diaper and make it water-repellent. The diaper will then not be able to absorb the moisture and will leak. If you have grease residues on dry fleece, you can remove them easily with a fat-dissolving detergent.